We've all been very busy here in Brazil since our last post. Maya's research is about priests who become politicians, so we've been going to lots of political events. This might sound a bit boring, but in Brazil, instead of speeches, politicians hold donkey races!
We've also been learning a lot about food. People eat a lot of something which they call couscous, but is actually quite different from what we call couscous back home. Brazilian couscous is made by grinding up corn. Most people buy their couscous ready prepared, but this lady doesn't trust the supermarkets so she still grinds it herself. Here she is teaching Ezra how:
The other thing that people here in the Northeast love is coxinha. These are kind of fried cornmeal dumplings filled with shredded chicken. This is one being made:
The following photo is not, thankfully, of food, but of some scary bugs that Ezra and Willa found, and that they wanted their friends in Tollcross to see: